Platform for the metalworking industry
What to look for when choosing a supplier?
No one can guarantee the success of your project 100%. Therefore, it is crucial that you have a contact person to whom you can turn and who also communicates proactively in case of problems.

What should you look for when choosing a supplier?

If you are looking for a supplier, you would like to be sure that that partner has the right capabilities to meet your requirements. What should you look for when choosing?

First, you want to be important to your supplier. If you're the smallest fish in a big pond, you probably won't be at the front of the line for finishing pieces. When placing an order, it is important to know that the company really wants to do business with you. If you're just seen as one of many, you won't automatically get the level of flexibility and proactive attention you need when problems arise. To figure that out, you can look at the existing client base and the amount of work they do for them. Ask yourself how the subcontractor strategically benefits from your partnership. It may be that your assignment opens up new opportunities for him in an industry the company wants to enter.

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Using the most appropriate metalworking method is essential to ensure that your project meets the set requirements.

Sufficient capacity

Using the most appropriate metal fabrication method is essential to ensure that your project meets the set requirements. Some metal fabrication
and offer a full range, so they can confidently recommend the most appropriate way to work, reducing your cost per piece. The more knowledgeable metal fabricators also have their own precision machining capabilities, allowing them to do the entire assembly in house, giving them more control over the overall project. Suppliers usually operate within their own niche based on their capabilities and preferences. The core competency usually lies in the processes they can support, the material types they handle and the maximum size and complexity of the pieces themselves. Look for a metalworker with the right capabilities. Also look at his production environment. For large productions and assemblies, most metal fabricators are limited by their lifting capacity and the maximum size they can move in and out of their plants. Cranes of 10 tons and above give you confidence that the subcontractor has experience with large complex pruductions. Also check in what ways quality control is done and how it is reported.

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Core competency usually lies in the processes a company can support, the types of materials they handle and the maximum size and complexity of the pieces themselves.

Appropriate experience within the company

If the company has experience in a particular industry or type of work, it is likely that they have the necessary process control. For example, those supplying the food industry should have a separate department for stainless steel so that there is no risk of contamination. If this is then also accompanied by experienced operators, well-equipped machinery or smart automation, mistakes and recurring problems are much less likely. Reduce your supply chain risk by working with proven suppliers rather than start-up companies. If a company has been doing business successfully for decades, they are more likely to continue that progress with you. In addition, certifications like ISO 9001 can tell you something about quality management and the risk of defects and problems.

Sufficient capacity for your work

Too many companies sell without having the product-ie or service capacity left to deliver to their customers on time. To ensure delivery, suppliers must have the right level of resources needed to plan their people, machinery, management structure and supply chain. Measures of productivity and process times are typical for strong subcontractors. Ask about actual work capabilities and verify how your order fits within them. If your work is processed externally, find out who the subcontractor typically uses. By looking at the website, you can see if the work being performed is similar to the work you want done. 

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Certifications like ISO 9001 tell you something about quality management and the risk of defects and problems.

Strong back office support

When you place an order for parts, you want to make sure that the parts are delivered on time, completely and to the right quality standard. Therefore, it is important that the subcontractor fully understands the context in which you are working. An ERP system that keeps track of orders can be a good indication of professionalism. Using such software creates transparency, so you know exactly what stage your order is in. Moreover, an ERP system has great advantages in terms of consistency and control. There are companies that already go a step further and have a link to the production floor with scanners as well. This live tracking allows project managers to compare planned progress versus actual progress and uncover problems that need to be proactively managed. No one can guarantee the success of your project 100%. Therefore, it is crucial that you have a contact person to whom you can turn and who also communicates proactively in case of problems. In that case, you can look for solutions together.   

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