Platform for the metalworking industry
Popularity of torch extraction is growing
Welding torch with integrated extraction

Popularity of torch extraction grows

Metal companies with welding activities in their portfolio want to be able to weld carefree where clean air is guaranteed. There are several methods for capturing welding fumes. "Torch extraction or on-torch extraction has been gaining popularity in recent years," states Rik Amand, welding specialist at Nederman, which specializes in environmental technology. 

"Welding torches with integrated fume extraction capture welding fumes directly at the source, above the material to be welded. Extraction takes place through openings in the nozzles at the end of the torch. The fumes are then discharged through hoses to a filter. To properly extract and treat the welding fumes, the torch must be connected to a high-vacuum system. The unit - mobile or central - delivers vacuum to the torch, collects and filters the fumes, and then blows clean air back to the workshop," Amand explains. 

Such solutions were already introduced in the 1980s. "But at the time, welders often found this method inconvenient or disruptive, since the welding torches were quite heavy. Over the years, however, a lot of product development took place. This led to lighter and ergonomic torches, which greatly increase the ease of work compared to before, while also improving the efficiency of extraction."

The smallest mobile unit in Nederman's torch extraction range

Other methods

Demand for torch extraction is growing not only in Belgium. "We also see a growing interest in the English, Dutch and German markets. If you compare it to an extraction arm, it also offers additional advantages. Suction arms are not useful in every situation. For example, when dealing with objects of large size, it is very difficult to perfectly position the extraction arm to capture the air for 100%. Therefore, in the last 10 to 15 years, there have been moves toward spatial cleaning in which the entire hall is cleaned. In this method, the air is constantly recirculated in the workshop, with contaminated air being repeatedly drawn through the filter unit that captures the welding fume and dust particles. After filtering, the clean air is blown back into the workshop."


Still, when it comes to MIG Welding (Metal Inert Gas Welding), there is a growing interest in torch extraction. "This is because the fumes are immediately removed at the source. The moment the welder is welding, he always has the extraction with him, which leads to higher flexibility. Extraction can already be done with relatively low flow rates, between 80 and 120 m3/hour at 18 to 20 kPA of negative pressure, depending on the system. Research reports also show that torch extraction has an efficiency of between 70 and 90 percent, depending on the welding position. So not much energy is needed to provide extraction to a welding torch, if you compare this to spatial extraction."

Mobile filter unit Fume Eliminator 24-7 for torch extraction


But not everyone is immediately convinced. "The welders themselves must be prepared to work with this type of torch," Amand states. "In MIG welding, a little more gas may be needed to preserve the protection of the weld and prevent welding defects such as gas entrapment because the gas supply and extraction are close together. Still, these systems are designed to effectively exhaust welding fumes without affecting the shielding gas and weld quality. But welders who lay high-quality welds are more likely to want to test this system in practice. That way they can experience for themselves whether the method is suitable for the specific application." 

Nederman has been developing solutions with high vacuum technology for torch extraction for 30 years. "In addition to years of expertise, we offer a range of solutions that is very complete and includes extractions for one to infinite points." ■

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