Platform for the metalworking industry
Lean philosophy basis for efficient workplace
Hoffmann Group reminds its customers of the importance of efficient workplace design. Solutions that will eliminate a lot of frustration for your employees and also do everything possible to improve ergonomics.

Lean philosophy basis for efficient workplace

You have state-of-the-art machinery and well-trained operators. So where can you find optimizations? Hoffmann Group points out to its customers the importance of efficient workshop design. After all, by looking at everything from a "lean" perspective, considerable savings can be made by preventing unnecessary loss of time and material. Solutions that will remove a lot of frustration from your employees and also do everything possible to improve ergonomics. Win-win, in other words.

The lean philosophy originated with Toyota. The Japanese car manufacturer has been fighting waste by applying this methodology since the 1950s. A continuous process of improvement that can add value in other areas as well. "Sloppiness and lack of order can greatly hinder efficiency on the shop floor. We use the 5S system (sort, arrange, clean, standardize and maintain) to look at workplace design. A structured and systematic approach that we always keep in mind in order to achieve a safe and efficient working environment at our customers" explains Jonne Treur. Together with his colleagues Nick Kuijpers and Geert Libert, he is a field workshop equipment specialist at Hoffmann Group. 

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By looking at everything from a "lean" perspective, considerable savings can still be made by preventing unnecessary loss of time and materials.

No more wasting time searching

To do this, Hoffmann Group first takes a close look at the customer's operations and organization. "We look at how the work is done today, where there are points for improvement and how we can realize them. By putting everything that is needed every day in the workshop within easy reach and keeping a structured record of the rest in another place, you already take away a lot of anxiety," Kuijpers points out. "You would be amazed if you add up how much time employees lose each day searching for materials. By organizing differently and smarter, those frustrations disappear. We also make sure that the alternatives we offer are ergonomic: height-adjustable workbenches, anti-fatigue mats...That way, employees don't have to return home at the end of the day exhausted."

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By putting everything that is needed daily in the workshop within easy reach and keeping a structured record of the rest in another place, you already take away a lot of anxiety.

Importance of a pleasant work environment

Libert and his colleagues note that the willingness to invest in such solutions is increasing among companies. "This has everything to do with the scarcity of technical personnel. Employees attach importance to ending up in a pleasant working environment. And by investing in their ergonomics, you also ensure that they can stay at work longer. In large companies you sometimes see that lean managers are appointed. In smaller companies, we can take on that role and share our experience." 

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Online, customers can also fully custom configure foam inserts for tools or workstations and order them with a single click.

Together with the staff

Important here is consultation with the shop floor. "Changing the entire flow doesn't necessarily have to happen all at once. Many companies work in phases toward their ultimate goal. Then it is important that the employees also go along with the story. After all, they are the ones who will eventually put the philosophy into practice," Kuijpers adds. 

Tailor-made relief

Hoffmann Group goes as far with that as the customer desires. "We can take away his worries from a to z," Libert adds. From a worked-out concept in 3D to the solutions of our own house brand GARANT and the final turnkey delivery of such a project." That Hoffmann Group has a rock-solid reputation in service obviously plays into the rise of workshop equipment. "The breadth of our package, where we can additionally support our customers further with everything from tools, measuring equipment and PPE is a huge advantage. All from one online portal and with one point of contact. Online, for example, they can also fully configure the foam trays for the tools or workstations and order them with one click. Yes, we go as far as we can in unburdening" concludes Treur.   

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