Platform for the metalworking industry
Plasma source combines good cutting quality and easy operation
SmartFocus is the range for cutting steel or stainless steel with a thickness between 1 and 100 mm.

Plasma source combines good cutting quality and easy operation

Kjellberg Finsterwalde, with Plasma Solutions as its partner for Benelux and France, offers a plasma cutting source for every application: Q, HiFocus neo, Smart Focus and CutFire. With the K200, the specialist introduces a solution for the lower and middle segment between conventional air plasma and high-definition quality. This 200 A source cuts very precisely with oxygen, compressed air and nitrogen in workpieces from 1 to 60 mm thick. With this new addition, available from the third quarter of 2024, Kjellberg again focuses on the essence of plasma cutting: good cutting quality, low cutting costs and easy operation.

Kjellberg3 Q3000plus 1500 Q Gas 4c
The Q plasma sources fit perfectly within the current climate of Industry 4.0, smart factory and e-services.

The drive for innovation is part of Kjellberg's DNA. Over the years, the specialist from Finsterwalde, Germany, has built up a product portfolio that allows it to offer an appropriate solution for each specific application. Just think of the more compact plasma cutting sources of the Smart Focus series, which are available in five variants, with a maximum cutting current of 130, 170, 200, 300 and 400 A respectively and suitable for the cutting range of 1 to 100 mm. Or to the five sources from the top-of-the-line HiFocus neo range for cutting steel or stainless steel with a thickness between 0.5 and a maximum of 160 mm. As the name of the type suggests, 161i, 280i, 360i, 440i and 600i represent sources from 80 to 600 A.

"With the Q plasma sources, we are capitalizing on current themes such as smart factory, e-services and Industrie 4.0. The process communication is done via EtherCat, which leads to flawless communication with the guidance system, the cutting table, the robot, and all other components in the production process" states Jan van Overbeeke, Managing Director of Plasma Solutions. "The new flagship within the range is available in versions of 150 A, 300 A, and since last year also in 450 A. These sources (with gas console Q-Gas or Q-Gas O2) use all possible process gases: air, oxygen, nitrogen, Argon, hydrogen, and formation gas and are characterized by low gas consumption. They can cut workpieces with a thickness of 0.5 to as much as 120 mm in the most diverse materials, such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, brass and titanium."

Kjellberg2 K 200 Startscreen and metric clipped with cutting CMY
This K200 can be easily operated using the K-Desk App.


With the K200, Kjellberg now introduces a new plasma source for the lower and mid-range segment that still guarantees very good cutting quality. With this, the manufacturer says it returns to the essence of plasma cutting, namely good cutting quality, low cutting costs and easy handling for operators. With a cutting current of 200 A, this source accurately cuts materials up to 60 mm thick. 

Kjellberg1 K200 vl oS 300dpi 4c
Kjellberg Finsterwalde's new K200 plasma source stands for good cutting quality, low cutting costs and easy operation.

"This K200 focuses primarily on cutting steel with oxygen or compressed air. In turn, nitrogen or air is used to machine stainless steel or aluminum. Although this unit is primarily focused on mechanized cutting, a hand torch is also available, with the possibility of gouging. The integrated automatic gas console ensures ease of operation and error-free settings," explains Jan van Overbeeke. "The accompanying K-torch approaches the quality of the proven PerCut torches from HiFocus and SmartFocus, thus guaranteeing excellent cutting quality. This torch comes standard with a direct connection to the power source. A quick-change head is also available as an option. All hose and torch connections have quick connect fittings, which greatly facilitates installation and use. This K200 can be fully integrated into the CNC via Kjellberg's well-known RS485 protocol, allowing all parameters to be managed from the CNC controller. Furthermore, it is also possible to control this plasma source using the K-Desk App. This allows the operator to easily select the cutting parameters and adjust them if necessary. The control via the app is primarily intended for use on simple basic CNC controllers, which are often used on small low cost cutting tables."   

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