Platform for the metalworking industry
Many opportunities for further automation
An application using a cobot, which enables fast and easy implementation of automatic machine loading.

Still many opportunities to automate further

Reliable clamping and gripping

Although very many companies in Belgium have already pulled the card of automation, many are still limping along behind. SMEs in particular still feel cold feet because they think that automation is by definition expensive and complex and intended for serial work. A notion, however, that has already been overtaken by technological developments. "For 10,000 euros I can already put together a package for them with which they can easily work a few extra hours autonomously and significantly increase their spindle efficiency," promises Werner De Ridder, general manager of Schunk. 

The shortage of technical staff is more acute than ever. It is forcing companies to look at automation. "Anyone who does not take steps in this direction in the next five years will inevitably drop out. A bold statement, but that has everything to do with the added value that automation solutions bring to the manufacturing industry. After all, everything revolves around spindle efficiency. The higher you get that, the stronger your competitive position can be." There are also no more excuses, according to De Ridder. The barriers have been removed. "Automation is not just for serial work. On the contrary, it is precisely by automating that changeover times become shorter and you can therefore run more production."

One trend in that wide range of automation solutions: it's shifting more and more toward electric. A good example is the EGU gripper.

Smart solutions, quick payback

With its offering in clamping and gripping, Schunk's products fit into both simple in-machine solutions and complex robotic systems. A good example for De Ridder is the VERO-S zero-point clamping system. "Those who work in the classic way, with clamping screws for example, quickly spend half an hour preparing the next piece. In the meantime, the machine lies idle. Not so with a zero-point tensioning system. That takes only one minute to change. This reduces changeover times to about 90%. And it simultaneously paves the way for greater precision, process reliability and stability. The RAPIDO clamp changing system is another. With it, clamping jaws are changed in seconds, without the need for tools. Moreover, this type of chuck change offers new possibilities for quickly and easily adapting the chuck to new clamping tasks. It is smart solutions like these that make the difference and pay for themselves quickly."

Shift to electric and more data

One trend De Ridder notes in that wide range of automation solutions: it's shifting more and more toward electric. "That results in lower energy consumption, something that's certainly a factor today. But the main driver is the greater control and flexibility you get. Everything can be adjusted very precisely and fed back. We already have a lot of electric solutions in the range. Electric grippers, the EGU series is promising in this market, or the Remendo tools for robotic deburring. Next year we will take the next steps in electric clamping screws," says De Ridder. 

A second trend, of course, is big data. The major machine tool manufacturers are now beginning to make an increasing effort to extract as much data as possible from the processes. Also from the tools. With the iTendo tool holder, SCHUNK has been setting the standard in this regard for years. "The realization is gradually dawning that we can achieve something with data. To optimize processes. But also to prevent breakage detection, important when automation is then pushed through."

With the iTendo tool holder, SCHUNK has for years been setting the standard for providing tool data to the machine control system. To optimize processes. But also to prevent breakage detection.

Increased focus on tooling

Finally, De Ridder cannot stress enough the importance of good tooling. "Whoever wants to make a new product first buys the machine and only then looks at the tooling. Actually, it should be the other way around: the gripper or clamp that has to grip the product as the starting point. After all, it must be able to clamp the product reliably and enable stable machining. In an automated world, those choices will only become more important." Am I holding it? Am I holding it correctly? Did I program it correctly? All those checks are standard in SCHUNK products. "So that your application can always continue to run reliably. That spindle efficiency, remember?"    

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