Platform for the metalworking industry
Green (r)evolution, including PPE
John van Niele: "Several times a year, we organize knowledge events to bring people into the story of greater safety in the workplace."

Green (r)evolution, including PPE

The supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) is constantly changing. On the one hand, because legislators are imposing increasingly stringent requirements to safeguard the health of employees. On the other, because manufacturers such as Hoffmann Group are constantly coming up with new products to better meet customer demands. And that demand has lately been mainly green. Every element in the business has to be more sustainable. An (r)evolution from which even PPE does not escape, and which Hoffmann Group can already offer a whole range in return. 

Textiles are considered one of the most polluting industries worldwide. The use of harsh chemicals, frequent water consumption through washing and rinsing... Plenty of margin for improvement, yet this is not so evident for PPE. "The strongest fibers are often the most difficult to recycle," knows John van Niele, product specialist PPE at Hoffmann Group. "But we do see a clear demand from the market for more durable PPE. Also in the metal industry. We see a general trend going on there: companies are becoming more and more high-tech and are focusing on a pleasant, clean working environment. You now see demands for a different kind of clothing, a different kind of shoes. With more attention to comfort, ergonomics and durability."

Metal companies are becoming more high-tech and are betting on a pleasant, clean working environment. You now see demands for a different kind of clothing, a different kind of shoes. With more attention to comfort, ergonomics and durability.

Ever smaller footprint

Hoffmann therefore went back to the drawing board for its own Garant and Holex brands. Working with the manufacturers, new specifications were pushed forward to bring PPE to market with a smaller carbon footprint. By choosing more sustainable fibers and recycled materials, but never compromising on safety. 

"An ongoing process," Van Niele explains. "The intention is to go further and further in this and also to broaden the range of sustainable PPE." Although Hoffmann Group has only been in the PPE market for about a decade, it is clear that the bar has been set high. With Garant, which can easily compete with the A-brands, and with Holex, which is just one step below them in terms of quality, at a more competitive price. "To this we add our well-known service. There are three experts working in Belgium and the Netherlands. Our starting point is always to offer our customers and their employees the best solution to work safely."

Always up to date

It is also these experts who closely monitor changes in legislation so that customers are always working according to the rules. Van Niele: "Changes to PPE take place on average every five years. Recently, the standards for safety shoes were adjusted. Three types of soles are now named, in function of perforation resistance. These are often small changes that can have a big impact." 

In Belgium, Hoffmann Group is therefore also a member of Prebes, the Royal Flemish Association for Prevention and Protection. "Several times a year we organize knowledge events to bring people into the story of more safety in the workplace. What's new in terms of legislation? What is changing on the market? You notice that the focus on safety and ergonomics is increasing. We also organize toolbox meetings to make customers visually aware of what can go wrong when used incorrectly. That often opens a lot of eyes." 

Economical use of employees

So PPE is not a necessary evil, but a way for employees to work safely and ergonomically. 

"In this time of a scarce workforce, we realize the importance of job satisfaction. Employers are more conscious than ever about creating a healthy and enjoyable work environment so that they can bind skilled employees to their company for a longer period of time. Employee health and low absenteeism are an important part of this. Modern and ergonomically correct company equipment, including PPE, contribute to the well-being of employees," Van Niele concludes.  

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