Platform for the metalworking industry
Presentation puts focus on new machining centers and automation
C 42 GEN2 with the HS flex heavy handling system with 2 storage modules.

Presentation puts focus on new machining centers and automation

Under the motto "Industry meeting with technology transfer," Hermle AG organized the traditional presentation. With over 1100 companies and 2550 visitors, this four-day event once again scored highly. In addition to automation solutions and numerous machining operations with integrated technology solutions, the main focus was on the launch of the Generation 2 models of the C 650, C 32 and C 42 machining centers. 

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C 650 GEN2 with swiveling round table for up to 1500 kg loading.

Hermle is investing heavily in extensive product innovation. "What was already good is getting even better. Within a defined development process, all machine models will be converted to the Generation 2 architecture over the next year and a half. At our event, we presented the first three models: C 650, C 32 and C 42. With these, three types were selected that belong to the middle machining segment due to their build size and size of the workspace," states one at the German manufacturer. "Optically, these GEN2 models hardly differ from the existing machines. Only the two front windows and the labels were slightly modified. The mechanical system, from which the precision of our products essentially derives, was not changed either. Thus, the main values of the machine remain at the already very high level and clearly demonstrate its dominance in the field of 5-axis technology.

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The very compact additional magazine ZM 30 for all three GEN2 models.

Innovative machine concept

Yet there are many new developments with these GEN2 models. Numerous software and hardware components have been aligned with the latest technology. The electrical architecture was completely redesigned so that the machines now have ProfiNet as their communication bus. And a large number of sensors have been converted to IO Link. In addition, on Heidenhain machines the entire drive connection has been changed and equipped with inverters of the latest generation. These are all components to make the machines even more powerful. The entire platform offers new technologies and functions, such as state-of-the-art interface technology and evaluation/diagnostic capabilities for optimized service analysis in case of errors.

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C 32 GEN2 with robotic system RS 05-2.

Energy efficiency further optimized

"The energy efficiency (cooling equipment of switchgear and spindle) in conjunction with the high-pressure units was optimized again. A large number of ancillary units have been converted to frequency-controlled drives from now on, so that needs-based and more energy-efficient control is possible. This provides financial benefits for customers, but also contributes to climate protection," says one at Hermle. "Cooling lubricant management was completely reinvented. This optimization enables better filtering of the cooling lubricant and thus contributes to its cleanliness and long service life. These GEN2 machines are available with both a Heidenhain TNC7 control and a Siemens Sinumerik ONE control."

Two examples of elaborated products: half of the globe with a diameter of 800 mm and a macaroni press made of stainless steel and aluminum.

Compact additional warehouse

By the way, with ZM 30, Hermle also introduces an additional magazine for the machine models C 650, C 32 and C 42 GEN2. This allows an additional thirty tools to be added, while this compact unit takes up almost 50 % less surface area than the existing additional warehouses. "This additional magazine is easily adapted to the existing tool loading area at the rear of the machines. It fits harmoniously into the machine cover, so that accessibility for service is also fully guaranteed despite the small build size," emphasizes one at the machine builder. "Commissioning is also simple and uncomplicated. Like every other additional magazine in the range, this ZM 30 can be equipped with an operating unit (touch screen) and a tool identification tool."

Automation and more

Hermle is also not sitting still in the area of automation. Several robotic systems and storage systems, as well as solutions for gripping and clamping workpieces, were on display during the presentation. "And there was even more. For example, the focus was once again on machining operations with integrated technological solutions and we also showed numerous finished products made using our technology. For example, a globe with a diameter of 800 mm (produced in two halves), a macaroni press in a combination of stainless steel and aluminum, structural parts for the aerospace industry, dies for tool and form construction, motor parts for mechanical engineering and implants for the medical sector," Hermle concluded. "A special area with more than 40 exhibitors was dedicated to topics such as clamping technology, CAD/CAM as well as hardware and software for Hermle's machining centers. Finally, we also did not lose sight of service and training, and the additive manufacturing division was allowed to put its most important strengths in the spotlight."    

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