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SBM Training: Expert in lean and production management

SBM Training: expert in lean and production management

Start October 24, 2023

This course offers the choice of taking the total course or the 9 modules separately. Upon completion of the full cycle, participants will receive a certificate of participation. After completing this training, you will be able to analyze the current production process, determine strategies and increase your profitability.

Key topics include assessing your organization on the "lean scale," implementing lean principles such as order and cleanliness, and using improvement techniques. You will also learn to reduce changeover times and lead times, demonstrate effective leadership, optimize production planning, and use cost information for policy decisions. Finally, there is a focus on digital evolution and transformation in manufacturing companies, including new technologies and the impact of digitalization on employees.

What's on the program?

The course "Expert in lean and production management" starts on
Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023, in Ghent.

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