As of the end of 2023, Bascules Robbe will go through life as Robbe Industries. The family business from Torhout has evolved in recent years from a pure weighing specialist to a versatile supplier of integrated weighing, filling and handling solutions for the wider industry. "The name Bascules Robbe no longer covered the load," explain managers Cedric and Yannick Pollet. "We now do so much more than just weighing. That should be clear to our current and future customers from the very first moment. Hence the new name is now also invariably accompanied by our four core activities: industrial weighing, bulk handling & filling, liquid filling and automation."
Bascules Robbe was founded in 1845 by Henri Robbe-Bolliou as an independent manufacturer of weighing systems and is still considered the oldest remaining weighing equipment manufacturer in Belgium. However, as technology evolved, customer demands became more complex and more and more companies sought turnkey solutions, the company's portfolio also grew over the past 178 years. First to electronic and digital weighing solutions, then to the design, production and automation of complete filling lines, packaging installations, and so on.
The Pollet brothers describe the evolution as "sustainable growth. "It has always been our ambition to offer customers an appropriate and pragmatic solution. Gradually we tried to offer answers to questions that went beyond the pure weighing problem. Not overnight, but step by step. In the future, too, we will continue to deepen our technical knowledge in this way and further develop the automation story, among other things."
The broadening of activities has been underway for several years now, yet it took until the end of 2023 to shed the mantle of "Bascules. "After more than 175 years, a name change is not obvious, and certainly not in a family business like ours. Bascules Robbe was and is an established name in the industry. For us, it was therefore essential to emphasize continuity. Nothing has changed about our values and our services. We still offer the same strong service and flexibility."
Although no one in the current generation of business managers - the sixth now - still effectively bears the name Robbe, the retention of that name was indisputable. But the new logo and the pictograms used to indicate the four core activities are also clearly recognizable. "We very deliberately worked with the same graphic designer as before. This allowed us to continue the style nicely," the business managers said. "Just as our activities have grown organically, so the new corporate identity is also an extension of the past."
With the name change also follows the launch of a new website. From now on you can find Robbe Industries on