Destelbergen-based Tectero focuses on the development and use of non-thermal plasma, a high-energy gas, to convert liquids and gases in a sustainable way. Among other things, it helps to break down PFAS in water streams and convert CO2. Not theoretical solutions, but solutions ready for industrial practice. It therefore invested in its own turning and milling machine to be able to quickly build and modify prototypes. A corollary to XYZ Machines' ProtoTRAK technology.
Tectero calls itself a green chemistry company. Chemist research and development Wim Janssens explains what that means: "On the one hand, we base our own research and development on plasma technology, a technique with which we can electrify chemical processes and thus make them more sustainable. On the other hand, it is also a criterion in the assessment of applications coming from other companies. After all, here we have the facilities, the knowledge and the space to go beyond traditional lab research and already test processes against industrial practice. That makes us a welcome partner, but of course we keep the focus on green chemistry. We explore with our customers how we can do it greener and more sustainable."
That plasma technology is applied by Tectero, for example, to break down PFAS in water streams, as well as to produce biologically based and degradable lubricating greases for industrial applications.
"Actually, we are going to start thickening vegetable oil until it has the desired viscosity level, purely with electricity. That results in bio fats with 100% atomic efficiency. In other words, there are no additives or solvents present, which also makes it an interesting application for cosmetics, for example. We can reprocess the bio-fats into an opaque cream, unlike traditional methods in which, for example, solvent residues remain or additives are required."
Tectero's R&D team is on average working on three to four ongoing projects at a time. In its warehouse of about 1,000 square meters, it has all the space it needs to build up large test setups and all the facilities needed to do chemistry safely.
"Especially for plasma reactors, there is really nothing standard. We go ourselves according to the application to see what pieces are needed to build the desired prototype." In the past, this was done in cooperation with a supplier. A solution that, however, did not make it cheap to carry out minor modifications each time and where it was always a long wait for the pieces or adjustments to them.
Tectero therefore decided to invest in its own machining department. "A search that started at Crispyn machines and ended there," says operator Polle Stevens. Although he had never worked with the ProtoTRAK control of XYZ Machines before, he immediately saw the advantages of it. "The big brands are more focused on fully automated production. We don't have that here. But with the ProtoTRAK control you do get all the CNC functionalities at your disposal that are needed to build prototypes quickly and efficiently. It doesn't take hours of programming, yet you have complex pieces ready in no time."
Initially, the search was only for a lathe. "But we got the opportunity to add a milling machine. A godsend that today makes it so much easier to finish pieces quickly and flexibly. Since they have been here - the delivery dates from the end of 2022 - you use them for so much more. They haven't really stood still much," says Stevens.
The support provided by Crispyn machines was also particularly appreciated. Although Stevens already had a feel for conventional machining, he was impressed by how easy the step to CNC machining is with ProtoTRAK. "With a minimum of training, you're off and running with it. In those two days provided by Crispyn, you learn perfectly how to use all those CNC possibilities. But we can always contact Crispyn for further tips & tricks on the right choice of tools and settings. You feel at every contact that they know what they are talking about."
For Tectero, it has proven to be an investment that will quickly pay for itself. Janssens: "What we have gained in speed and flexibility is enormous. In the past, a complex component would have cost us three months of time and thousands of euros, now Polle finished it in a few iterations in a few days. All the pieces perfectly aligned, everything perfectly in place. Moreover, the elimination of the financial risk gives us more breathing room to experiment and arrive at even more innovative solutions."
A luxury that Tectero also wants to offer to other companies. "Other companies looking for a partner to build prototypes quickly and flexibly are also welcome here for milling and turning work. With the combination of our chemical process knowledge and our machining skills, we can really add value compared to traditional CNC machining. Especially for companies in the chemical industry looking for a partner who thinks along in the design and manufacture of specific reactor components. Moreover, it allows us to invest again in new tools and broaden our own capabilities," Janssens said. ■