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Cool lubrication concept for clean and oil-free water-based machining
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Cooling lubrication concept for clean and oil-free water-based machining

KSM, supplier of industrial lubricants and metalworking fluids, in mid-2022 successfully introduced Aquaslide, a unique cooling lubrication concept that enables clean and oil-free machining.

Triple Clean Machining

Aquaslide, an innovative water-based technology, helps machining companies meet the increasingly demanding cleaning requirements of end customers. Tests at KSM's partners from the high-tech industry have shown that applying Aquaslide provides improvement on three fronts:

Cleaner workpieces

The workpieces come out of machining cleaner. For example, they contain no molecular contaminants (HIO elements) and meet the highest cleaning requirements (including Grade-1). Aquaslide therefore speeds up and simplifies the cleaning process and thus saves cleaning costs.

Cleaner CNC machines

Thanks to the strong cleaning power of Aquaslide, machine parts, machine windows and tools, among others, stay cleaner. Less (oil-related) contamination also reduces the risk of breakdowns and additional costs. Because there are no oil mists, savings on filters and
extraction units are realized.

Cleaner work environment

The work environment remains cleaner, safer and therefore "operator friendly. The label-free
Indeed, Aquaslide does not contain any harmful substances. Also, upon skin contact or inhalation, it does not cause serious skin and eye irritation or respiratory distress (In vitro Skin Irritation Test - OECD 439). In addition, Aquaslide prevents greasy floors and thus reduces the risk of slipping. 

Xavier Cologne 1
Xavier Keulen-Thomassen. (Image: KSM)

Saves money and time

The triple benefit of Aquaslide has everything to do with the product's strong cleaning power. Xavier Keulen-Thomassen (Managing Director, KSM) explains:
"Aquaslide contains neither mineral oil nor synthetic oil. In this it is unique in the market. Normally these ingredients cause contaminants to the workpieces. With Aquaslide, however, what you don't put in at the beginning of the process, you don't have to take out at the end. Your post-process cleaning process is faster and easier. Very often a simple pre-cleaning is sufficient and an intensive post-cleaning is not necessary. This saves a lot of time and a lot of costs. You can offer your workpieces on time and within specification with a lower integral cost price to clients such as ASML, Thermo Fischer Scientific and Carl Zeiss.
Aquaslide is the first of the new "Next Generation fluids" to hit the market in the next decade and is not comparable in composition to any other product on the market. Working with Aquaslide is familiar. With a good Fluid Management process, the fluid lasts a long time and after many months still delivers the same performance as when the machines were filled. The innovative composition ensures, in addition to excellent (clean) machining properties, also excellent results with regard to operator protection and a low chemical footprint, with which you, as a machinist, are ahead of the game with regard to upcoming requirements in the field of chemical reduction from legislators and stakeholders."   

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