Platform for the metalworking industry
Partner of Kjellberg Finsterwalde & expert in custom plasma torches
Tubecut TC440 plasma torch designed to provide better access to the workpiece.

Partner of Kjellberg Finsterwalde & expert in custom plasma torches

Everyone knows Plasma Solutions as the trusted partner of Kjellberg Finsterwalde in the Benelux and France. With their technical experience and in-depth know-how, they not only offer sales and commercial support, but also guarantee service à la carte, including training, technical support and repairs of torches and devices.

In addition to the strong partnership with Kjellberg, Plasma Solutions stands out as an expert in custom plasma torches designed for specific purposes such as robotic and machine applications. With this expertise, they can provide both machine builders, intermediaries, and dealers with ready-made solutions. End customers can also count on personal advice and comprehensive service.

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PC451 special 12m hose optimized for gas control.

Customized plasma torches are one of a kind

Over the years, Plasma Solutions has specialized in developing extremely solid, efficient and reliable plasma torches tailored to the specific needs of various industrial applications. The torches complement Kjellberg's standard product range. These always use Kjellberg wear parts.

'Our focus is on offering customized solutions that perfectly match the requirements of installations and production environments,' says Jan Van Overbeeke, Managing Director of Plasma Solutions. 'Our special service in making customised plasma torches came about some 25-30 years ago due to a request from HGG, a large Dutch customer, specialized in 3D profiling. For a robotic application, they needed a short torch that was not available anywhere on the market. We started working on that.'

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PC441 60° integrated flange for robot mounting.

Torches for a wide variety of applications

Plasma Solutions offers a wide range of special torches designed for special applications, such as, for example, very short or long torches for robotic use, equipped with hyperflexible hose packs. 'In addition, we produce torches with a special shape to ensure better accessibility or to optimize the guidance of the hose package' Jan continues. 'In France, we even have several projects running in the nuclear sector, where exceptional variants are needed for the demolition of nuclear power plants.'

The length and features of these hose packages are tailored to integrate seamlessly into a production process. Some of the innovative solutions include the Percut 441 Compact, the Percut 201 Compact and the Percut 4000 XS, all designed to provide maximum efficiency in robotic use and demanding machines. In addition, the company offers torches such as the PB-S75WXS and PB-S45WXS, which, thanks to their slim and pointed tips, are ideal for making bevels up to 60.

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PC4000XS shaft and quick coupling.

Plasma torches for large and small companies

The torches are designed to deliver the highest performance regardless of the complexity of the application and they offer unmatched reliability and durability. Plasma Solutions is proving itself as an indispensable partner for both large and small companies looking for reliable and customized plasma torches. Years of experience, technical expertise and strong cooperation with Kjellberg Finsterwalde are synonymous with security. Not insignificant for complex robot applications or specialized projects in sectors such as the nuclear industry. 

Whether it should be short or long torches, torches for robot use with hyperflexible hose packages or torches with special shapes for better accessibility or guidance of the hose package, flexibility and customization are trumps. Thus Plasma Solutions remains the reference in Benelux and France for innovative and customer-oriented plasma applications.   

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